
Showing posts from November, 2016

6 Entrepreneurial Character Traits that Entrepreneurs Should Look for in Employees

These character traits are typical of an entrepreneur. They are not exclusive to entrepreneurs, however, and are important to look out for in employees that entrepreneurs hire. If a person exhibits these character traits, he/she will absolutely succeed in his/her career, no matter what it is. Innovative This kind of person is always trying to be on the brink of something fabulous. The keyword here is, “trying.” He/she may not always have a new idea, but he/she is aware of opportunities for improvement when he/she sees it. A company does well when its employees are coming up with ways to standardize processes and constructively fix what doesn’t work. Innovative people are coming up with something new every chance they can get. Determined Someone who is determined is willing to take risks to his/her own personal comfort. He/she is willing to put in the work required to make a job get done right. These people do not stop at trying to make things better. Here is that word, “trying”...