
Showing posts from May, 2017

How to Know You Need to Hire an Assistant

In this digital age we live in, time never slows down.  Life is always seems like it wants to rush forward without fully thinking through the implications of possible missteps or failures.  If you want to get a handle of your professional schedule and ideas, as well as show people you are good to your word, it is essential that you either (a) hire an assistant or (b) organize your life in a replicable, sustainable, and systematic manner.  If you even want to consider the possibility of hiring an assistant, here are some things that might happen to you that can indicate you need to hire an assistant. 1 - You are missing appointments, meetings, or get togethers. When you do not keep an organized calendar, there are numerous ways to end up ruining relationships.  If you tell someone you are going to be somewhere and you either (a) don’t show up or (b) have to cancel the event after committing to it, you are receiving a tell tale sign that you need to change how you ...